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Behind Time With Giants

The first time my dad mentioned to me his podcast idea, I was hesitant. I thought, "who would want to listen to a podcast about grief and tragedy?" But the more I considered the concept, the more I realized how needed a resource this is. The consuming pain that comes with grief is commonly rare. It is rare in that it is not an every day experience, but grief is something every person will experience in life. To live in our fallen world is to know grief and loss. With sin came death, destruction, and pain. It has been a part of the human experience since the Garden of Eden.

But if the Gospel of Jesus can redeem all things, if we really believe that Jesus has conquered death and that He holds all things together, what if our grief can be faced with hope? What if our lamentations can be turned into cries of faith? What if our sorrow can turn to joy by the grace of God? What if our longing for the eternal can increase?

Our prayer for this podcast is to bring hope to the hurting, the grieving, and the broken. We long to see believers join hands to weep together and rejoice together. We want to equip those grieving and preparing to grieve with resources to guide you through the contradictory practicality of planning a funeral. And most of all, we pray that those who are lost would come to know the greatest comfort and the greatest hope through salvation in Jesus Christ.

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